Monroe United Methodist Church
Sunday, February 09, 2025
Shining the light on the hill by connecting with Jesus Christ, connecting with each other, and connecting with the world.


Worship Experiences

Monroe UMC offers two different worship experiences each Sunday because people connect with God in different ways.

Our 9:30 am Contemporary Worship service is led by a praise band known as Re-Kindled, which leads us in modern worship music. Some of the songs we sing are ones you might hear on  Christian radio today. We gather around tables in Atchley Hall (our gym) as we hear God's Word, pray together, and listen to a meaningful message. Dress is casual and comfortable. Children are welcome in the service, or they can participate in the Nursery or Xtreme Children's Church.

The Traditional Service includes an organist, adult choir, hymns, prayers, creed, and offering at 11:00 am. We sit in pews in the Sanctuary and have both hymnals and a video screen available to follow along in worship. Children are welcome in worship; we offer Worship Bags filled with activities to help the children engage in worship in age-appropriate ways.

Want to serve in Worship?

We have many opportunities for you to serve in worship. In our traditional service at 11:00 am, people serve as ushers, greeters, acolytes, liturgists, and sound/video technicians. Others are involved with hospitality and welcome center, nursery or music programs. Serving in our 9:30 am Contemporary Worship are musicians, vocalists, audio/video technicians, and hosts.



At Monroe United Methodist Church, music is an essential feature in all of our services and ministries.  Our musicians and vocalists have many opportunities to serve God through the gift of music.


The Adult Choir sings at our traditional worship services as well as other occasions. Our choir members are not all trained musicians, and knowledge of music is not required.  The group practices on Sunday mornings in the Small Fellowship Hall at 10:15 am, except for June-August.


From time to time, we offer a special Christmas Cantata (music with spoken narrative and sometimes actors) in December and a special Easter Cantata at the 11:00 Worship Service on Palm Sunday. 


The Praise Band leads our 9:30 am contemporary worship experience. These musicians and vocalists play and sing contemporary praise and worship music and lead the congregation in praising God through singing. Our Praise Band practices at 7:00 pm. on Thursdays in Atchley Hall.


Special services are held throughout the year. Some include: Advent, Multiple Christmas Eve services, Lent services, and numerous others. 


The United Methodist Church recognizes only Holy Baptism and Holy Communion as sacraments because they were the specific acts ordained by Christ.This Sacrament is often called by other names, including the Lord's Supper, the Last Supper and Holy Eucharist. 

In Holy Communion, we remember and proclaim God's saving work through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  We are reminded again of the gifts of God's grace and forgiveness given to each of us.  In the United Methodist Church, Holy Communion is open to all persons.  You do not have to be a member of Monroe UMC to participate.

Communion is offered on the first Sunday of each month at all services. Communion is often provided at other special services and regularly to our homebound.


The sacrament of Holy Baptism is a Covenant between an individual and God.  It is God’s Word to us, proclaiming our adoption by grace and our word to God, promising our response of faith and love. We welcome your inquiry about the Sacrament of Baptism and we look forward to assisting your family with planning this special day.  It is our desire to make your baptism a most memorable occasion. We recognize three modes of baptism including immersion, pouring, and sprinkling.


Join our remarkable team of usher and greeters, volunteering with a smile once a month (or more) at one of the various worship services.  This important ministry involves handing out bulletins, directing congregants to their seats, and passing offering plates during worship.


The Pastor and staff of Monroe want to help make your wedding spiritual, significant and special.  The following guidelines were created to assist you in planning your wedding at Monroe United Methodist Church. For more information contact our church office at 513.539.7290.


We stream both of our worship services live and would love to have more people to be involved on our Tech Team!! Just check with the Pastor about getting involved in this exciting ministry!