The Surgeon General of the United States recently declared that there is an epidemic of loneliness in our country. This reality reflects what our faith already teaches us: God created us for connection and community. Drawing on the experiences of the early church in scripture, we will learn again how God leads us into lives of meaningful relationship with God and one another. Come and find a place to connect with God and with others on their faith journeys with your friends at Monroe UMC! Click here for the Daily Bible readings and here for the Created for Connection with God handout. Please note that worship gatherings occur each week at 9:30 am in Atchley Hall for contemporary worship and 11:00 in the Sanctuary for traditional worship, except for a special Combined Service on 9/29 at 10:00 am in the Sanctuary.9/8: Week 1: Connection Among Christians | Ephesians 4:1-6
Our local church is a place to build meaningful relationships through the gift of our one faith. 9/15: Week 2: Connection with God | John 15:1-12
Jesus was connected to the Creator and all his relationships were built on this relationship; so may all our relationships be built on our relationship with God. Staying connected to God helps us have more loving relationships with others and bear fruit. 9/22: Week 3: Connection with Community | Hebrews 10:23-25
In our loneliness, we often retreat from church and community. We are called, as believers, to prioritize the time for worship and small groups, to encourage each other in the faith. 9/29: SPECIAL COMBINED SERVICE AT 10:00 AM: Week 4: Connection Across Barriers | Ephesians 2:11-22
Division and barriers can isolate us from one another. Christ, through faith, can break down hostilities and move us into new community and connection with one another. 10/6: Week 5: Connection with the Larger Church (World Communion Sunday) | 1 Corinthians 10:16-17
On World Communion Sunday, Christians remember that they are part of the one body of Christ. Whether they share communion in a cathedral or the countryside, this Sunday celebrates our diversity as well as our common bonds. |